PakPair Community Guidelines

PakPair’s mission is to offer a fun yet safe and supportive environment for our users, as well as be the best platform for you to find love! We want to build a global community where users can connect with each other.

Our Community Guidelines along with our Terms and Conditions have been created to ensure that all our users have a safe and positive experience on PakPairApp. Being a part of a community like PakPair allows you a safe space to meet individuals and express yourself freely, but it also means that you are responsible for your behavior and actions. If you abide by these rules and treat others with kindness, respect, and honesty, the PakPair community welcomes you. All members of PakPair are subject to these guidelines equally and failure to follow these rules may result in a warning from our team, or a ban which will prohibit you from accessing our platform. We are 100% committed to keeping our community safe and encourage you to report any behavior that violates our guidelines to protect yourself and others.

We will be updating our community guidelines from time to time as our community grows and evolves or mitigate any possible risks or problematic behaviors and keep PakPair a safe place for individuals to find love.

While we are confident that most individuals who use PakPair will use it responsibly, we still want to be clear about our expectations for our users. All PakPair members should feel like their voice can be heard, but not at the expense of another individual. Below is a comprehensive list of our community policies and we strongly encourage you to read on to educate yourself on what is considered appropriate conduct on PakPair and to prevent any violations that might result in your account being banned or terminated:

Nudity and Sexual Content:

It goes without saying, but do not upload content that contains nudity, sexually explicit or pornographic content to PakPair. Keep it classy for those who will be viewing your profile, we promise it will help increase your chances of having engaging connections with great people!

Copyright and Trademark infringement

Do not post content that violates or infringes upon anyone’s rights, rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property. We did not think we would have to say this, but we are going to say it anyways: please do not catfish and remember to upload your own photos. If you do not own the rights to a photo or video, please do not post it! We take copyrights very seriously and violating this rule will result in losing access to our app.

Respect all users

PakPair is a firm believer that members should respect other people’s beliefs, interests, and property while on the app. We have no tolerance for hate speech, rude or abusive behavior, bullying, harassment, racism, or sexism. We expect users to treat others the way they would want to be treated. We strongly encourage users to report those who do not follow these behavioral guidelines as kindness, love and respect are incredibly important to our community.

Abuse and Harassment

Do not engage or encourage others to engage in any form of abuse or harassment against any user. Do not send unsolicited sexual content to your matches, do not threaten, bully, or stalk individuals that you have met through this app. Reports of such behavior are taken incredibly seriously and consequences ranging from a ban to involving the authorities will be dependent on the severity of the action.

Violence and Physical Harm

We have a zero-tolerance policy for content of any violent, graphic, or explicit nature nor do we support any actions or content at advocates for such behavior. This includes content ranging from threatening or promoting terrorism, physical assault, coercion, suicide, or self-harm.

Hate Speech

Hate speech of any form is strictly prohibited. We do not condone any content that promotes, advocates, or condones racism, sexism, bigotry, hatred, or violence towards individuals or groups based on factors such as but not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Offline / Real life Behavior

As an adult you are responsible for not only your online behavior on the PakPair app but also for your offline behavior. We value being king, safe, respectful, and honest and expect you to uphold those values in your offline experiences as well. Our community guidelines not only apply to your online interactions but also your offline behaviors as well. If you have experienced negative or bad behavior with another member of the PakPair community, we encourage you to reach out to us through our Help Center so we can take the appropriate steps.


Your privacy and the privacy or others are of the utmost importance to our team. To protect yourself and others, please do not release any private information of your own or anyone else’s. This includes information like social security numbers, payment information, passports, passwords, phone numbers, addresses, or emails.

Promotion or Solicitation

PakPair is not a marketplace, therefore, soliciting other users is not allowed. While you can invite your matches to join you on a date or a hobby, any advertisement of events, businesses, nonprofit work, political campaign, contests, or research is not allowed. While we want you to succeed in your endeavors, PakPair is not a place for you to do advertising or promotions. If you are found to be promoting or trying to sell products, your account will be banned.

Prostitution or Trafficking

Please do not promote, condone, or advocate for commercial sexual services, human trafficking, or non-consensual sexual acts. The PakPair team takes this very seriously and will permanently ban your account. Trust us, you will be banned.

Illegal Usage

Super straightforward concept: do not use PakPair to do anything illegal. If it is illegal in real life, then it is illegal on PakPair. Do not do it. We take any criminal activity very seriously and we will ban you permanently.


Do not engage in any predatory behavior of any kind. Do not attempt to get users to reveal private information for fraudulent or illegal activity.


You must be 18 years of age or older to use PakPair. If you are found to be underaged, your account will immediately be removed and banned. For the sake of your own safety and the safety of the minor, we implore you to file a report to us if you come across an individual who is underaged. We do not allow any photos of unaccompanied minors. If you are going to post a picture that contains children, please make sure that an adult is also in the photo and that the child is fully clothed. We encourage you to report to us immediately if you come across a profile that includes an unaccompanied minor, depicts the minor in a sexual or suggestive manner, or advocates harm towards a minor.

Account Termination

PakPair reserves the right to investigate and if necessary, terminate your account if we find that one or more of the community guidelines has been violated by the individual in question. If a termination of an account due to a violation of the guidelines occurs, PakPair is not obligated to refund the membership due to a misuse of our services.

Customer Service

The PakPair team is here to support your and help make your experience on the PakPair app as positive and enjoyable as possible. You should never verbally or physically abuse or threaten our customer care representatives under any circumstances. Doing so may result in your account being terminated or banned.

One Individual, One Account

PakPair does not allow an account to have multiple owners, so please do not create an account for you and your friend or significant other unless permission has been granted to you by our Customer Support Staff. Furthermore, please do not make multiple PakPair accounts for yourself. Lastly, do not attempt to use an account that is not yours.

Third Party Apps

Please do not use apps created by anyone other than PakPair that claims that they offer special PakPair features or services.

Account Inactivity

PakPair is made to be fun! We want you to use PakPair as much as you want, wherever you want! However, we understand that sometimes, you meet that special someone and no longer need to use our apps, and if so, PakPair may delete your account for inactivity if we notice that you have not logged into or used your PakPair account in 3 years.

Photo Guidelines

As per our Minors guidelines, no kids can be in photos or videos alone. They must be in the photo with an adult, and they must be fully clothed.

No photos or videos in bikinis or swimwear indoors.

No shirtless or underwear mirror selfies, photos, or videos.

Your face must be clearly visible in all photos or videos.

Images that contain multiple people may be confusing to other members they may not be able to tell who you are. Therefore, the PakPair team may remove your group photos after review.

No pornographic or sexually explicit content.

No graphic or violent hunting photos or videos.

No guns in any photos or videos.

While the use of filters is allowed, we require members to represent themselves truthfully. For this reason, images or filters that are heavily edited and misrepresent how you look will be removed by PakPair.

Everyone loves memes, we do too! However, your profile is not the place to post images or videos of memes. Images that contain overlaid text or watermarks are not allowed on PakPair and will be removed.

Thanks for Reading, now go and have some PakPair!!!